Sales Management is arguably the most important of all the marketing functions, as only through sales companies earn money. Considering its primacy in today`s competitive business scenario, companies keep looking for ideal sales persons, “the illusive individual.“ The book is meant to help the students to reach the pinnacle of Sales Management learning.
In the beginning of the 20 century, it was believed that salesmen are born as salespersons and no amount of training can convert a person into a good salesperson. However, over the years the Management Gurus have evolved training programmes to refute the myth, and today newer methods are emerging that are available for honing selling skills besides creating a learning environment for the discipline known as Sales Management.
The book endeavours to offer comprehensive techniques as it covers the entire gamut of Sales Management for in-depth study. For making learning a practical experience the book includes a number of case studies that take the students through the entire range of sales discipline. Special emphasis is given to Sales Force Management, for optimizing efforts of the front line people. The book contains exhaustive Sales Call Planning exercise including methods of locating prospective customers. As added interest a Management Game has been included that starts with the first chapter and it steers the students throughout the book. Each segment of the Game carries with it selected portions of sales theories that would help the students in playing the game.
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