B.Sc. Physics Honours Major Students Also for B.E./B.Tech. Engineering Students.The subject matter is clear, concise and easy-to understand/ read manner. Emphasis has been given to the clarification of the physical principles. Mathematical details have also been worked out to the extent suitable for the undergraduate students. Many Solved problems have been incorporated to make the students familiar with the applications of the principles and formulae they have come across in the text.
A variety of questions and problems have also been given for the pratice of the students. ring Students Table of Contents QUANTUM MECHANICS Chapter 1: Introductory Ideas Chapter 2: The Schrodinger Wave Equation Chapter 3: Free Particles and Wave Packets Chapter 4: Application of Quantum Mechanics to Some Potential Problems Chapter 5: The Harmonic Oscillator Chapter 6: Spherically Symmetric Potential and the Hydrogen Atom STATISTICAL MECHANICS Chapter 1: Basic Concepts Chapter 2: Fermi-Dirac and Bose-Einstein Statistics Chapter 3: Third Law of Thermodynamics SOLID STATE PHYSICS Chapter 1: Crystals and their Properties Chapter 2: X-Ray Crystal Analysis Chapter 3: Band Theory of Solids Chapter 4: Transport Phenomena in Metals and Semiconductors Chapter 5: Specific Heat of Solids and Lattice Vibrations Chapter 6: Dielectric Properties of Solids Chapter 7: Magnetic Properties of Solids Chapter 8: Superconductivity Miscellaneous Problems Objective-type Questions
Author: Dr. Chattopaghyay
Edition: 2009
Pages: 344
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