Most business books are based on a simple concept, like “loyalty”, “quality”, “focus”, that the author repeats over and over again, like a mantra, as if just one idea were enough to succeed in business. Useless to say, business life is more complex.
This book: “Jewish wisdom for Business success” instead, is unusually rich and varied in content.
Each chapter deals with a different but important business issues, as can be seen from the title of its chapters: “Making the sale: negotiating techniques from the Torah” or “The humble path: :taking ego out of the entrepreneur”.
Each chapter takes examples from the Bible and the business world, draws conclusions and offers also several meditation points.
The chapter that I preferred is probably:” Dealing with failure: handling failure to secure future success”.
In this chapter, I found the idea of repentance, applied to business failure. This idea should be in the mind of every businessman, starting from the CEOs of Wall Street and Detroit and certainly in mine.
I also liked the idea that, to be successful, you have to combine passion and pleasure, and follow your Authentic Will (in the chapter:” Nothing stands before the Will: Harnessing willpower to succeed in Business”).
I strongly recommend to read, study this book and meditate on its lessons.
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