Introduction To Mass Communication By Abhay Chawla- Paperback

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This book gives insight to basic concepts of mass communication while covering the many dimensions of mass communication that operate in our society using examples drawn from everyday life. The text presents how the concepts of ‘mass communication’ and ‘mass media’ came to be coined and gained currency in the form we know them today. It has been written taking into consideration the various syllabi of leading Indian universities offering mass communication at the undergraduate level. Features 1 The book is divided into six chapters: i) Communication, ii) Mass Communication, iii) Mass Media, iv) Audiences and theories of Media Use, v) Media Laws in India and vi) Mass Media and Ethics 2 Contemporary examples and case studies that illustrate the latest developments and recent events that are changing the face of media today. 3 Self-study and Discussion exercises to help students practice and revise concepts. 4 Project exercises in every chapter to promote self-study and increase retention. Table of Content i) Communication, ii) Mass Communication, iii) Mass Media, iv) Audiences and theories of Media Use, v) Media Laws in India and vi) Mass Media and Ethics

Edition: 2021


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