This is a book about indoor bonsai trees grown in temperate, sub-tropical or tropical regions. Bonsai trees are grown in pots, which are normally fairly shallow, and not in the open ground. By changing their habitat from ground to pot, the effect upon them of temperature change, sunshine etc., is greatly altered. Trees and shrubs that are normally thought of as hardy (resistant to frost damage) are not necessarily so when they are grown in a fake environment. The author has described certain varieties of trees and shrubs that are normally thought of as hardy as being tender temperature or even sub-tropical. For example, some elms and zelkovas come from sub-tropical regions such as South China and Taiwan; they have adapted to grow in colder climates but it is not their original environment. The phrases tender temperate, sub-tropical and tropical are, however, not just an indication of the tree’s origin. They should also be a guide as to what temperature and conditions the tree prefers. As a grower of indoor bonsai, the author strongly suggests that the reader trust his recommendations as far as temperatures, etc., are concerned. They have been tried and found to be successful.
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