Hidden facts in SSCE Chemistry is a master piece that covers the entire WAEC and UTME Chemistry Sylabus including Practical and Alternative to Practical at O’level. The piece will boost the efforts of chemistry tutors in handling difficult problems with high level of simplicity and also improve the grades of learners in the subject. The book also contains a pool of past questions of many years on each topic. The series comprises of additional notes and solutions to explain some vital concept such as: Hints on writing chemical formulas.
Simple steps on using the chemical formutas to balance chemical equations. Using equations to solve different problems in Stoichiometry, acid-base reactions, ionic equations, etc. Inorganic and organic chemistry. Finally, the notes on Practical Chemistry address the foundation of the challenges learners face in Chemistry Practical Examination
Hidden Facts in SSCE Chemistry (Plus Practicals & Alternative to Practical)
Teach Yourself Series
Topic by topic analysis of Past questions
WAEC over 25 years
NECO over 10 years
NABTEB over 6 years
Author: Newton Oleh
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