The Holy Bible – New King James Version- Hardcover
The British usage text was first published as the Revised Authorised
Version by Samuel Bagster and Sons Ltd., London, in 1982.
Copyright subsequently reverted to Thomas Nelson, Inc., Nelson Place at Elm Hill Pike, P.O. Box 141000, Nashville, Tennessee 37214-1000. This edition is the British text (formerly RAV) published by the Bible Societies, by kind permission of Thomas Nelson, Inc., in 1991.
The text of this Bible is copyright
New Testament & Psalms © C Thomas Nelson, Inc., 1979, 1980
Old and New Testament complete © C Thomas Nelson, Inc., 1982
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the written permission of Thomas Nelson, Inc.
The United Bible Societies is a world-wide fellowship of National Bible Societies working in more than 180 countries. Their aim is to reach all people with the Bible or some part of it in a language they can understand and at a price they can afford. More than 500 million Scriptures are distributed every year. You are invited to share in this work by your prayers and gifts. The Bible Society in your country will be very happy to provide details of its activity.
This edition published 2012
Typography, typesetting and production management by Bible Society Resources Ltd, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the British and Foreign Bible Society.
Popular Edition NKJ43C G ISBN 978-0-564-09624-4
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