We live in a day when we don’t have time to play church or to fool around
with the devil’s games in our lives. The last days are upon us. The end of all
things is at hand. Critical years lie ahead of us, for there is a great work to be
done and a great harvest of souls to be reaped.
Never has it been so important for us to be free from all that has bound us in
the past. Never has it been so crucial for us to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s
leading and for each of us to follow God’s plan for our lives. It’s time to shape
up, friends. It’s time to get serious about serving God and to be everything God
wants us to be.
As you walk in obedience to God, your past failures and shortcomings which
have hindered you from walking in the Spirit won’t be able to keep what the
Lord has ordained for you from coming to pass. If you do your part by preparing
and obeying, all the carnal plans of man and all the demons in hell won’t keep
His plan from being fulfilled. Nothing will be able to detract or offset what God
has proclaimed for your life!
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